Xitadel nurtures a culture of innovation and independent thinking. The company launches and manages multiple initiatives that drive new techniques and methodologies and high performance innovation initiatives.

Xitadel’s delivery incorporates principles of Agile operation, ensuring frequent and constant customer engagement that assures customer delight.

Xitadel’s XIPA - Pioneering Technology Innovation

Gaming Engine in ADAS and Autonomous Driving (AD) Systems Development

Spot-Weld Optimization

Door Latch mechanism Effect

Effect of suspension parameters on vehicle handling

Impact of Aerodynamic properties on fuel consumption and Sidewind Sensitivity

Vehicle dynamics of hybridized conventional I.C. vehicle

Combi Brake System (CBS) Tuning for an Electric Scooter

As a trusted partner, you can depend on Xitadel to provide outstanding value to your organization in all areas of World Class Technology, Expertise and Consulting.

We will help you embrace and shape the future

Come collaborate with us and let Xitadel take your Company to greater heights.