The technological demands of the company aren’t constrained to standard set of software configurations and may need specific integrations, niche functionality etc.
Xitadel designs & configures to customer’s specifications & analyzes the specific problems and formulating tailored solutions to meet customer’s varied requirements. In addition, our team can provide customer development with ongoing support to your organization.
Xitadel’s set of packaged solutions include-
Xpress DENT is automated process tool for oil canning and denting analysis
– Rigid Disk Creation
– Positioning
– Run and Create Report
Xpress Seating is automated process tool for Automatic Positioning of the Seat at various positions
Xpress CFD Automated process for CFD Modeling reduces the Modeling time 50-70 %
CFD Models take a long time for modeling because of many reasons:
As a trusted partner, you can depend on Xitadel to provide outstanding value to your organization in all areas of World Class Technology, Expertise and Consulting.