Noise & Vibration can be a source of potential problem to sub-system failures and human comfort. This will have a direct impact on product quality and performance. To achieve superior NVH performance that surpass these challenges, we need to design and engineer sub-systems for robust NVH outcomes.
Xitadel’s legacy in NVH virtual product development helps customers accurately estimate performance and validate product design with industry leading technologies. Xitadel can help in simulating NVH effects of alternative designs, without creating a physical prototype.
Natural frequency and vibration modes of the structure is an important attribute affecting the dynamic characteristics of the system. Frequency response during external and transient loading and its effect on structure is key to safe design.
Linear Vibration Analysis is a frequency analysis and steady-state vibration response resulting from the application of a periodic, harmonic input and its effect on overall assembly. Xitadel has expertise in Power Spectral Density (PSD) Analysis, Frequency Response Function (FRF) and Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) for NVH performance evaluation and identification of critical paths and noise sources.
Xitadel has expertise in both time and frequency domain simulations to predict the accurate noise and vibration response of the structure. Nonlinear excitations from Vehicle Dynamics Simulations can be provided as input to understand the structural performance of the sub-system.
Vibration in its energy form can get transferred as structure-borne noise. Xitadel has expertise in identifying structure-borne noise based on structural response for a given excitation. Further, we can perform coupled-acoustics analysis to reduce the structure-borne noise.
Identifying the root cause of air-borne noise and mitigation methods is key to comfort. Xitadel can leverage its expertise in Multiphysics to identify the root cause of both internal & external noise, which is a major challenge for designers today.
Predicting the cabin noise involves Multiphysics fluid-structural simulation and its effect on Noise and Vibration. Xitadel with its expertise in Multiphysics and Aero-acoustic simulation can help in the accurate prediction and optimization Interior Acoustics.
Exterior Acoustics is important for comfort of driver and passenger at designed speed range. Pressure drop or noise from external flow can be annoying to passenger and has to be addressed during design stage. Xitadel with its expertise in Multiphysics and Aero-acoustic simulation (Link to CFD) can help in the optimization of Exterior Acoustics.
Acoustics is one of the many criteria involved in the Vehicle product development. Managing different types of acoustics in dynamic operating conditions for different vehicle types is a key to human comfort.
NVH performance problems have to be evaluated for all operating conditions to ensure that NVH design, regulatory requirements are met at minimum cost.
Xitadel has solutions that are aligned with these needs and is committed to providing best-in-class solutions to achieve superior NVH performance.
Xitadel specializes in full vehicle NVH solutions, starting from identifying the source, identifying the noise path, decoupling the source and modifying the design for absorbing unwanted energy to improve cabin comfort.
Xitadel has the expertise to perform subsystem level simulations, to identify the static stiffness, transfer path, source of vibration and suggest design changes to avoid resonance with the base structure.
As a trusted partner, you can depend on Xitadel to provide outstanding value to your organization in all areas of World Class Technology, Expertise and Consulting.